Resource name: Web of Science (including SCIE database)
Resource type: [Citation Index Database]
Number of visits: 129886
Scope of use: campus network
Access address: online access
Science Citation Index Expaned (SCI-E) is a world-renowned citation database. Its pioneering content, high-quality data and long history make SCIE enjoy a high reputation in the global academic community. As a world’s leading citation index database, SCI-E contains data content of 178 disciplines and over 9200 high-quality academic journals in natural science and engineering fields for nearly one hundred years. Using SCI-E, users can not only easily break the barriers between journals, databases and publishers to gain the latest and most significant scientific and technological literature, but also conveniently find the latest, most relevant and cutting-edge literature of their own research field in the worldwide, thus having the chance to obtain more research ideas and stimulate their scientific research.